Wednesday, August 23, 2023

On A Personal Note:

 I would like to send my thanks and appreciation out to my fellow board members: Susan Bangs, Doreen Marcolongo, and Kathleen Cook. They are the heart of the HOA and it would not beat if it wasn't for their participation and dedication.

Thank you guys! 😊


Gate Petition Update:

 Thank you everyone for your participation in signing the petition to stop the installation of an entrance gate at Dunedin Village. We are close to 80 signatures. However, our goal is to get at least 100 signatures before we submit the list to Cove. If you know of anyone that has not signed yet and would like to, please have them contact me by phone, text or email and I will bring the petition to them to sign.

It will take all of us to work together.

Thank you! 😊

Ray 727-637-1479....  

Saturday, August 19, 2023

New Cards:

 We just ordered new cards and will distribute them to all residents of Dunedin Village. We have a new website and email address. Feel free to contact us anytime and check this website for any new updates.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Entrance Gate Petition:

 We invite you to attend a special HOA meeting on Monday, August 21st @ 7:00 p.m. in the Laundry Room. The topic will be the entrance gate. Our goal is to get as many signatures as possible on a petition requesting Cove Communities NOT move forward with the installation of the entrance gate.

The issues are the safety concerns entering and exiting Belcher Road as well as the potential of future unreasonable lot rental increases due to Dunedin Village being designated as a Gated Community.

If you cannot attend the meeting but are interested in signing the petition, please text or email Ray Rubio, HOA president @ 727.637.1479 |

Thank you for your support!

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Welcome To The New Lone Pine Ridge HOA Website

 Hey Guys!!!...Welcome... The site is still under construction as you can see, please check back later and often to follow the progress. Our new email address is: We will send out all the information in our next newsletter. Please feel free to leave any comments on this post as well.

